Best kids yoga resources for self learners
We have prepared practical resources who would love to discover more about Kids yoga classes: Online tools:• - the world's largest me...
We strive to create meaningful learning environment and opportunities to support the social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development of each child.
We aim to help to discover and develop the uniqueness and talent of each child with the support of their parents.
We strive to create meaningful learning environment and opportunities to support the social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development of each child.
We aim to help to discover and develop the uniqueness and talent of each child with the support of their parents.
Clubs and activities
Scientists have proven that 90% of a child’s brain develops by age 5 and the experiences they get during these years help to shape their brain development...
Arts and crafts
Our creative corner offers children and their families an environment where they can create interesting crafts using simple, everyday objects, as well as,...
Pop-Up Events
We organize special Pop-up events where families can spend their free time efficiently and make new memories together, just like its name they pop-up every...
Interactive Theatre for Children
Watching plays for children has many benefits, not only does it give your child a sense of beauty, through plays your child learns to express themselves mo...
Storytelling session
Storytelling sessions is where stories "come to life", meaning our storytellers will tell famous stories of different authors from all over the world in an...
We are offering our birthday sets for your little one's birthday. Make it more special with Creative Bamboo
Youtube channel
You will be able to watch new art and crafts tutorial as well as our daily vlogs. Please subscribe our channel and stay tuned.
Нэг хүүхэд 500,000₮ |
Clubs and activities - |
Sketch Town - |
Arts and crafts Free 2 class |
Pop-Up Events 20% discount |
Interactive Theatre for Children Free 4 class |
Storytelling session Free 20 class |
Birthday - |
Youtube channel - |
mom - |
Price 500,000₮ |
Purchase |
Нэг айлын 2 хүүхэд 900,000₮ |
Clubs and activities - |
Sketch Town - |
Arts and crafts Free 2 class |
Pop-Up Events 20% discount |
Interactive Theatre for Children Free 4 class |
Storytelling session Free 20 class |
Birthday - |
Youtube channel - |
mom - |
Price 900,000₮ |
Purchase |
Нэг айлын 3 хүүхэд 1,200,000₮ |
Clubs and activities - |
Sketch Town - |
Arts and crafts Free 2 class |
Pop-Up Events 20% discount |
Interactive Theatre for Children Free 4 class |
Storytelling session Free 20 class |
Birthday - |
Youtube channel - |
mom - |
Price 1,200,000₮ |
Purchase |
Нэг хүүхэд 500,000₮ |
Clubs and activities - |
Sketch Town - |
Arts and crafts Free 2 class |
Pop-Up Events 20% discount |
Interactive Theatre for Children Free 4 class |
Storytelling session Free 20 class |
Birthday - |
Youtube channel - |
mom - |
Price 500,000₮ |
Purchase |
Нэг айлын 2 хүүхэд 900,000₮ |
Clubs and activities - |
Sketch Town - |
Arts and crafts Free 2 class |
Pop-Up Events 20% discount |
Interactive Theatre for Children Free 4 class |
Storytelling session Free 20 class |
Birthday - |
Youtube channel - |
mom - |
Price 900,000₮ |
Purchase |
Нэг айлын 3 хүүхэд 1,200,000₮ |
Clubs and activities - |
Sketch Town - |
Arts and crafts Free 2 class |
Pop-Up Events 20% discount |
Interactive Theatre for Children Free 4 class |
Storytelling session Free 20 class |
Birthday - |
Youtube channel - |
mom - |
Price 1,200,000₮ |
Purchase |
Нэг хүүхэд 500,000₮ |
Clubs and activities - |
Sketch Town - |
Arts and crafts Free 2 class |
Pop-Up Events 20% discount |
Interactive Theatre for Children Free 4 class |
Storytelling session Free 20 class |
Birthday - |
Youtube channel - |
mom - |
Price 500,000₮ |
Purchase |
Нэг айлын 2 хүүхэд 900,000₮ |
Clubs and activities - |
Sketch Town - |
Arts and crafts Free 2 class |
Pop-Up Events 20% discount |
Interactive Theatre for Children Free 4 class |
Storytelling session Free 20 class |
Birthday - |
Youtube channel - |
mom - |
Price 900,000₮ |
Purchase |
Нэг айлын 3 хүүхэд 1,200,000₮ |
Clubs and activities - |
Sketch Town - |
Arts and crafts Free 2 class |
Pop-Up Events 20% discount |
Interactive Theatre for Children Free 4 class |
Storytelling session Free 20 class |
Birthday - |
Youtube channel - |
mom - |
Price 1,200,000₮ |
Purchase |
Өчигдөр том жаалтайгаа Creative Bamboo - ийн "3 бяцхан тоорой сансар огторгуйгаар аялсан нь" хүүхдийн жүжиг үзсэн. Хүүхдийн анхаарлыг сайн төвлөрүүлж чаддаг, хөөрхөн зохиолтой, мундаг жүжигчидтэй, хүүхдүүдийн оролцоотой жүжиг гэдгээр онцлог ёстой гоё орчин үүсгэсэн газар шүү. :) Дараачийн жүжгийг заавал үзнээ.
Ganbold Baljmaa
Бүтээлч бамбүүд үйлчлүүлэх ямар гоё гээч
мөнхжин ariunbold
Upcoming events
"LITTLE POETS" 8-12 years old kids fun writing challenge
LITTLE POETS contest for 8-12 years old kids During the lockdown, we are announcing this competition, which aims to develop children's talents a...
"WHO TELLS THE STORY WELL" 4-7 years old kids fun reading challenge
"WHO TELLS THE STORY WELL" 4-7 years old kids fun reading challenge During the lockdown, we are announcing this competition, which aims t...
Японы BTV телевизийн Mongolia Now нэвтрүүлгээр “Бүтээлч Бамбүү” төвийг онцоллоо.
Японы BTV телевизийн Mongolia Now нэвтрүүлгээр энэ удаад Монгол улс Улаанбаатар хот дах “Бүтээлч Бамбүү” төвийг онцлон үйл ажиллагаатай танилцл...
Best kids yoga resources for self learners
We have prepared practical resources who would love to discover more about Kids yoga classes: Online tools:• - the world's largest me...
What does creativity mean?
Хүмүүс бүтээлч сэтгэлгээ гэхээр яг юу гэж ойлгодог нь их сонирхолтой. Яагаад гэвэл юу гэж ойлгодоос хамаарч ямар хандлага, хэр их ач холбогдол өгөх нь хама...